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Purveyors of Steam Sounds and More for Train Simulator

We here at Steam Sounds Supreme, in association with Phil Baines are proud to release this brand new wagon pack
An Authentic Representation of the Steam Railway-Appeal GCR Windcutters Collection - Created by Phil Baines in Association with SSS. To find out more about this new pack, visit our new Rolling Stock page. Alternatively, you can go straight to the Windcutters shop page HERE.
14-03-16 - GWR 2251 Collett Goods OUT NOW!!
As part of a new arrangement with Digital Traction, some of their products will be sold exclusively on our website. We are please to announce that the first of these is now available! The GWR 2251 Collett Goods.
To find out all about this pack, please visit our dedicated Digital Traction Shop Page
11-03-16 - New Version of GCR OUT NOW!!
A new version of our hugely popular GCR route is available to download now. Even if you downloaded the last one, please download this afresh. Our thanks go to Michael Sutton who has played a very large part in bringing this new version of our GCR route to you.
Visit our new Freeware Routes Page and get your copy of this lovely free route for Train Simulator!
02-03-16 - Withdrawal Notice
The Road and Rail Sound Enhancement Pack has been withdrawn from sale. This is to be replaced by a new, vastly improved pack, in the future.
26-01-16 - Double Chimney Castle Sound Pack
We are delighted to release this new sound pack in our budget range, at just £4.50!!
This pack will enhance your sound experience when driving DTG's fantastic Double Chimney Castle class locomotive* and the Vulcan Productions repaint into 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Find this HERE. As an addition to the 'Earl', we have made Clun Castle, using VP's textures. You will need the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe pack in order to use this. You will also find some QD consists to help you get driving as well.
Pick up your copy of the Double Chimney Castle Sound Pack HERE
* The Double Chimney Castle was released as part of DTG's TS Rewards programme in November 2015. This loco will is not available to buy on Steam
14-01-16 - GWR 14xx Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
We are proud to announce the release of a brand new sound pack!!
In association with Victory Works, we bring you a revamp to the 14xx and Autocoach sounds, as well as a new BR Lined Green repaint of the loco. Visit our new GWR 14xx Sound Pack Shop Page to find out more.
For more Train Simulator Sound Packs visit the Train Simulator Sound Packs section of our shop.
04-01-16 - BIG NEWS!!
Coming soon to Steam Sounds Supreme is this lovely tank engine by James Horrex of the Rustic Engineman's Loco & Carriage Workshop.
The LBSCR E2 was designed by Lawson Billinton. 10 were built between 1913 and 1916. They lasted in service until 1963, when the last example was scrapped. Due to limited coal capacity, the main duties carried out by these locomotives were short distance freight and shunting around London and the South Coast. In the 1950's, they found a new lease of life in Southampton Docks, with six examples being used. They were replaced by diesel traction between 1961 and 1963.
For many, the outlines of this distinctive loco have a familiar look. That is because the E2 was the inspiration for look of Thomas the Tank Engine. The E2 lives on in spirit! Sadly, none of the 10 built were preserved.
The pack will contain all appropriate liveries, scripted features, as well as sounds by Steam Sounds Supreme Look out for detailed news of pack features over the coming weeks.
Look Inside the 'Workshop'
Not such big news, however we invite you take a look behind-the-scenes at what is going on here at Steam Sounds Supreme. There are many projects at various stages of completion. For all the latest news about these, please visit our 'Blogs' page and select the SSS Workshop Blog. We have an exicitng year ahead!!
15-12-15 - Wycombe Railway Version 2
We are delighted to present version 2 of Peter Goodearl's fabulous steam-era route, The Wycombe Railway and Joint Line. The line starts at Maidenhead, on the Great Western Mainline. The route takes the Wycombe Railway route via High Wycombe, Princes Risborough and Thame, to Oxford. Also included are: A section on the GW/GC Joint Line from High Wycombe to Bicester; Aylesbury Branch; Watlington Branch and the Marlow Branch. This is a FREE product.
Click HERE to visit our Free Routes page
04-12-15 - GWSR Scenario Pack 1 & 2 OUT NOW!!
We are pleased to announce the release of a pair of scenario packs by Mark Walker for our GWSR Route. You can either pick these up individually or as a twin pack. See the GWSR Scenario Pack 1 and GWSR Scenario Pack 2 shop pages for more information. Watch the below video to whet your appetite for the packs!
19-11-15 - **Compeition Winners**
A few weeks ago we asked you to name your favourite SSS Sound/Enhancement pack. We have chosen our top 3 favourite answers. Here they are:
3rd: Chad Hubler
He Said: "The GWR Castle Sound Pack, because nothing beats the thunderous chuff you guys captured for the pack."
We loved this comment because it stated very succinctly why the Castle Sound Pack is your favourite and it happens to be one of ours as well! :) I think the word "thunderous" sold it!
2nd: Jason Arg Goldsmith
He Said: "Your first Black 5 sound pack, because before they came out I really wasn't enjoying Train Sim that much. Those sounds showed me how great the Sim can be proven by how much I'm using the Sim now!"
A wonderful acknowledgement of where things really took off from for us. Although the 4MT Tank Sound Pack was our first release, it was this one that proved to us that the market was there, as we sold over 100 in it's first 24 hours on sale!! the Black 5 locomotive came with the original Rail Simulator, way back in 2007, and the sound had never been improved. Our sound pack was long over due, and it showed with the fantastic sales. It remains our biggest seller!
1st: Pelle Brogard
He Said: "My favourite must be the ultimate Black Five pack, not just because it was my first purchase from you or that it really gave the model much more life both regarding sounds and visuals.
See, I am from Denmark, and though my interest for steam engines has always been huge, I had never been into foreign engines over Danish, actually it was German over British steam for some time. After issuing your products and driving TS with more and more of your products, I must say that you have actually made me love British steam. For every SSS upgrade to engines of different regions, I discovered more of the history of British steam era. Today my fiance has bought me six editions Steam World Magazine due to this growing interest for British steam.
So SSS is much more than just some seriously impressive and entertaining upgrades of the models well worth the money - it is also the direct reason that I now type 'LMS', 'GWR', 'LNER' and 'BR' into the search field at youtube and google instead of 'DSB'. And since Black Five was the first, I will never stop enjoying that feeling driving that particular product.
Keep up the good work!"
How could we not make this one first place??!! We are delighted you like our work Pelle, but to say it's the reason you now love British Steam, well, we are overwhelmed to realise our work can have that kind of profound influence!! We hope we can continue to keep your interest alive, or indeed enhance it further!
Well, it wasn't easy choosing our favourites. To the 3 named above, CONGRATULATIONS!! Please Email us and claim your free SSS product - either a sound pack or an enhancement pack. If you own all our stuff, then you may request a future pack.
Thanks everyone for your entries!
22-10-15 - Mainline Halls Pack Available NOW!!
We're proud to release this new pack. Find out all about it HERE
25-09-15 - Double Release
It is with great pleasure that we release to you two new packages, one a reworking of an older, yet extremely popular pack, and the second a brand new pack. Firstly, we release version 2 of the Steam Era Carriage Sound Pack. Version 1 was released a long time ago. A lot has been learned and recorded since. This includes investing in new recording equipment. We have gone back and completely reworked this sound pack. We are sure you'll love the results. Click on the linked text above to go to the shop page.
Our second release falls into a very similar catagory. At long last we have produced a full set of sounds for a Steam Era Wagons Sound Pack. The results of this will immerse in the steam age like never before! Please click on the linked text to go to the shop page.
We have have paired the two packs above together to create a twin pack, saving you money. Find it HERE
17-08-15 - New Website Feature
QUITE often we update previously released packages. Sometimes this is to fix issues which have been discoved post-release. However, many of our packs are in the process of being updated to add new features, and/or update the sounds. Because these update Emails arrive in your inbox and there is no indication of what exactly has been updated, we have introduced a new feature to the website - Update Notices. This can be found by hovering your mouse curser over the Download Shop menu option above. At the bottom of the drop-down menu is a new page called Update Notices. Inside here will be news of pack updates, with the most recent at the top of the page. The new page opens today with news of a new update! Our very popular GWR Pannier Sound Pack has been undergoing a major rework and we're pleased to say this is now available!! Please visit out Update Notices Page and learn our new method of announcing updates to products. This page will no longer be used for such notices.
16-08-15 - GWSR Full Release Now Available
We are pleased to announce the full release the GWSR route version 2
Please visit our Free Routes section to pick up your copy. Look out for a series of scenario packs for the route very soon!
11-08-15 - LMS Jubilee Preservation Pack OUT NOW!!
We here at Steam Sounds Supreme are delighted to announce the release of a brand new pack - LMS Jubilee preservation pack.
In this pack we bring you a comprehensive collection of preserved Stanier Jubilee locomotives. All locos come with our custom sounds, CJB particles & Script, customizable lamps and a selection of headboards.
Find out more by visiting our LMS Jubilee Preservation Pack Shop Page NOW!! For more Enhancement Pack SEE HERE
03-07-15 - SDJR 7F Enhancement Pack Updated to Version 2
The very much aticipated update to our first enhancement pack - the SDJR 7F - has been released today. Chris Barnes has very kindly made various tweaks to the script. These changes are as follows
- Fixed cylinder cocks effect bug on AI and static locos.
- Added AI controlled cylinder cock effects that automatically open and close realistically as appropriate.
- Reduced alpha channel of main smoke stack to make it look less lumpy.
- Upgraded cylinder cock effects that are timed with the wheels.
- Improved brake functionality by adding a running notch, and decreasing sensitivity.
- Added simple brake operation of release, running and apply all controlled on the one handle.
- Added steam chest with realistic delay.
- Toggle between steam chest with improved brakes or simple regulator with simple brakes.
- Improved water in gauge glass sloshing effect.
This update will go out autimatically to all who have purchased from the current shop. Look out for the link. If it doesn't come through, please Contact Us with your order ID and we'll assist you. If you haven't picked up this pack, then head on over to our Enhancement Packs page.
10-06-15 - SR King Arthur Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
We here at Steam Sounds Supreme are delighted to announce the release of our latest sound pack. As you can see from the image, we have answered the many calls for it, and we present the King Arthur Sound Pack!!
Please visit our King Arthur Sound Pack Shop Page to find out more. We have a unique release arrangement for this pack. Read on for some special discounts:
10-06-15 7-8pm: Discount Code Lamiel30 will give 30% off.
8-9pm: Discount Code Lamiel20 will give 20% off.
9pm 10/06 - 9pm 11/06 -: Discount Code Lamiel10 will give 10% off.
10% off will stay in place for 24 hours. Make sure you use Add to Cart to enter a discount code.
05-06-15 - Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway OUT NOW!!
GWSR Open BETA Now Available!!
Please go to our Freeware Routes Page to find out more
02-06-15 - WCRC Carriage Pack Update
We are pleased to release an update for this popular free pack. The most significant addition is the WCRC Class 47. This repaint, kindly donated by Ben Yates, goes perfectly with our WCRC Mark 1 and Mark 2 carriages. Included are two WCRC QD consists. The 47 comes in 3 versions: standard, with ploughs and ETH - each with appropriate numbers. There is also a HD cabview.
The carriages have received vastly improved sounds and our 'Enthusiasts View', added to the Mk 1 SK's in the pack.
If you have already downloaded this pack, the update notification has just gone out. If not, then visit our Free Products pages HERE
29-05-15 - GWR Manor Sound Pack Update OUT NOW!!
The eagerly awaited update to our GWR Manor Sound Pack is now available. Present owners will have received an update notifcation Email. If not, please contact us, remembering to quote your order ID number. This can be found in your order confirmation Email you received when you made your purchase.
To find out all about this update, or if you have yet to purchase the pack, visit our GWR Manor Sound Pack Shop Page NOW! The GWR Manor Sound Pack is now selling at a new lower price of JUST £5!!
21-05-15 - Rebuilt Bulleid Sound Pack Update OUT NOW!!
We are pleased to announce that one of our most popular sound pack has today been updated. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT COULDN'T GET ANY BETTER!!
The most important part of this update is the addition of the CJB particles and script, taking the experience of driving these wonderful locomotives to a whole new level! All owners of version 1 will get the update free. It has been released, so check your Email accounts for the sendowl notification Email. Please contact us if you haven't received the Email. Make sure you quote your order ID number.
If you haven't purchased this pack yet, pick up a copy NOW. You can buy it today for JUST £5! From next week, the price will go up to £5.50.
Pick up your copy HERE
06-05-15 - Flying Scotsman Sound Pack Pegler Edition**Updated Today**
We are pleased to tell you that the Pegler Edition of the Flying Scotsman Sound Pack has just received an update.
New Features
> Steam chest simulation with easy toggle on/off functionality
> 'Dynamic Whistle'
> Particle refinements
Our sincere thanks to Chris Barnes for the added steam chest simulation and particles refinements.
**Please uninstall the previous version using 'Uninstall a Program' under Control Panel. Then install version 1.1**
If you haven't got it yet, it's available for JUST £3.50 from HERE
27-04-15 - Flying Scotsman Sound Pack Modern Edition OUT NOW!!
It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of the second of our two-part Flying Scotsman Sound Packs. Previously we brought you the budget 'Pegler Edition'. Now we present the 'Modern Editon', especially for the double-chimney versions of the worlds most famous steam locomotive.
For more information about the pack and to pick up your copy, visit the Flying Scotsman Sound Pack - Modern Edition Shop Page. If you have purchased the 'Pegler Edition', be sure to use your 20% discount code, sent to your Email address. If you haven't received your code, please Contact Us with your order ID and we'll supply you with one. Enjoy the below short video for a little taster of how the pack will enhance your Flying Scotsman locomotives.
For more sound packs visit our Train Simulator Sound Packages Shop Page.
14-04-15 - Bulleid Light Pacific - Last Call
As announced on our Official Facebook Page on March 23rd 2015, we are soon to release the complete Bulleid Light Pacific Pack, previously sold by Digital Traction. They will be released as standard with our sounds and the CJB particles included. As that will be the case, we will be withdrawing, permanently, the following two products:
We are issuing a last call to pick these up before withdrawal. This will be followed by the release of the full locomotive package. We are pleased to inform you that ALL purchasers of the 'Enhancement Pack' will receive the new Bulleid Light Pacific ABSOLUTELY FREE!!
Between now and withdrawal, the two packs will be available at the reduced prices of £3.50(Sound Pack) and £5.00(Enhancement Pack).
28-03-15 - EXCITING NEWS!!
We are absolutely delighted to announce that very soon we will be releasing the Double-Chimney Standard 4 4-6-0 for Train Simulator!
Visit our Workshop Blog for a full report on this up and coming steam locomotive addon
24-03-15 - BR 9F Sound Pack Update Available Now
We are pleased to announce that the BR Standard 9F Sound Pack has been updated for free. Owners will receive update notifications. If you do not receive the update, please Contact Us with your order ID and we will assist you.
Please visit the shop page linked to above to find out more.
06-03-15 - BR 6MT Clan Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
It is with great pleasure that we announce another new sound pack, this time for the BR 6MT Clan locomotive available from Steam.
PLEASE visit our shop page for the BR 6MT Clan Sound Pack to find out all about this exciting new pack!!
03-03-15 - LMS Jubilee Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
We are delighted to announce the release of our next sound pack for the LMS Jubilee Class.
The LMS Jubilee locos have been around as DLC for quite some time. We are pleased to have finally had the opportunity to develop a brand new sound set for these wonderful locos. However, it's not just a sound pack! See the shop page HERE to find out all about it.
Train Simulator Sounds Packs Shop Page
23-02-15 - Another Freebie - WCRC Coaching Stock
We are pleased to announce the general release of the coaching stock which came with the exclusive Jacobite pack. Created by Ashley Burgess, ourselves and with contribution from Matthew Wilson, this pack gives you a full set of maroon mark 1's and mark 2's for use on modern railtours. As they are based on the old defaults, the pack doesn't include a mk1 BSK or RMB, but the rest is there, with WCRC logo and warning flashes. Also, each coach has a 'rear' version, with added modern rear lamp.
Pick up your copy now from our Free Products section.
02-02-15 - TS2015 Updates Begin
Over the next day or 2, we will be updating all of our products which include CJB steam particles, in order give compatibility with the new 3D weather system. This will be an optional update, made available in a separate folder in the package, as not everyone uses the 3D weather. Below is a list of all packs subject to this update:
- SDJR 7F Enhancement Pack
- Ultimate Black 5 Sound Pack
- GWR Hall Enhancement Pack
- GWR Pannier Sound Pack
- Stanier 8F Sound Pack
- Stanier 8F Collection Parts 1, 2 & 3
- Fowler 4F Sound Pack
The more recent releases - Tornado, Spam Cans, Flying Scotsman - are already compatible.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of you will have purchased the SDJR 7F Enhancement Pack, and the GWR Pannier Sound Pack from our old shop. You will not receive the update automatically in that case. Please contact us with your order ID, and we'll issue you with a free copy from the new shop
Special One-Off Discounts
The above packs will be made available at a reduced price for a short time upon update. Please keep an eye out during today, if you are considering picking up one or more of these packs. Now's the time to save!!
Update Progress
- SDJR 7F Enhancement Pack - Update Complete
- Ultimate Black 5 Sound Pack - Update Complete
- GWR Hall Enhancement Pack - Update Complete
- GWR Pannier Tank Sound Pack - Update Complete
- Stanier 8F Sound Pack - Update Complete
- Stanier 8F Collection Parts 1, 2 & 3 - Update Complete
- Fowler 4F Sound Pack - Update Complete
- Ian Riley Black 5 Collection - Pending
20-01-15 - Bulleid Light Pacific Enhancement Pack OUT NOW!!
WE ARE proud to present the highly anticipated Bulleid Light Pacific Enhancement Pack
A SELECTION Oliver Bulleid's unique locomotives are brought to life in this exciting collection of Light Pacific locomotives. Steam back to the glorious days of the Southern Region. Affectionately(and sometimes not-so-affectionately!) known as 'Spam-Cans', due to their air-smoothed shape, these locos were once the dominant sight on the railways southern England!
Visit the 'Enhancement Packs' shop page HERE. Be sure to take note if you have previously purchased the Bulleid Light Pacific Sound Pack. You can upgrade for £2!
Bulleid Light Pacific Enhancement Pack Shop Page
07-01-15 - Lets Take a Look Inside the Workshop
We invite you to take a look inside the SSS Workshop. Visit our SSS Workshop Blog and find out about progress being made on various projects. Please feel free to comment in the blog and ask questions. We'll do our best to answer them.
24-12-14 - Double Release - PLEASE READ ON
Flying Scotsman Sound Pack - Pegler Edition OUT NOW!!
Bring the worlds most famous steam locomotive to life with our full and incredibly realistic set of sounds for Flying Scotsman, as it was back in the 1960's, owned by the late Alan Pegler, running with the double tender. We're pleased to tell you that the pack also features the work of Chris Barnes and his fantastic steam and smoke particle effects. Find out all about the pack HERE.
Go straight to the payment page
BR Standard 9F Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
A full and realistic set of sounds giving you all the sounds you would want to hear from a big locomotive like a BR Standard 9F*, including: 3-part exhaust sounds including pilot and main valve; the shrill of a BR Standard whistle; Valve and motion sounds; coasting sounds; extra cab sounds and much more. Both the double-chimney and single-chimney versions have been modified by the pack. You'll notice subtle differences between the sound of the two types.
BR Standard 9F Sound Pack Shop Page
11-12-14 - News About Some Free Products
Head to our 'Workshop' blog and read about why we provide free products from time to time. You'll also enjoy reading about, and seeing pictures of 2 new free products, 1 coming out today.
In other news: Victory Works fantastic set of Small Prairies are now available on Steam. We are immensely proud to have been involved in the production of the sounds for the pack. It's available at 33% off for a short time. Incredible value when you consider what Pete has created!
26-11-14 - Subscribe to Our Newsletter NOW!
Why the urgency? Because later today ALL newsletter subscribers will receive some exclusive TS content.
The Jacobite Addon
With the release of the fantastic West Highland Line Extension route for Train Simulator, thoughts turned to running the Jacobite steam service on the line. We have had the privilege of experiencing this train on two occasions, and it is without a shadow of doubt, the greatest railway journey we have ever experienced! This new addon contains 4 locomotives, 2 sets of carriages and lots of custom sounds and it's all FREE!!! Make sure you subscribe to the newsletter. The Subscribe button is at the top of the left-hand panel on this page.
07-11-14 - GWR Castle Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
It is with great pleasure that we present our most advanced and immersive sound pack to date - the GWR Castle Class Sound Pack!
The GWR Castle - one of the finest express passenger locomotives ever built. Not only that, but possibly the greatest sounding class of locomotive ever built?! Well, that's open to debate. However, few are unmoved by the sound of a Great Western Castle! This brand new sound pack will move you as well, in a way only a Great Western Castle can! This new pack can be yours for just £5.50. Pick up your copy from the Train Simulator Sound Packs shop page or visit the dedicated GWR Castle page HERE. If you need more convincing about the benefits of using our sound pack, please watch the official video below.
15-10-14 - New Addon Announced!
A special 'Workshop' blog post has just gone live, all about an exciting FREE addon coming soon to all newsletter subscribers.
Read more on our Workshop Blog
Part 2 of the blog to follow shortly................................
11-10-14 - Some News - PLEASE READ
We appreciated the response to wanting feedback about the Tornado Sound Pack. We are pleased to say that we have added compatibility for the S&C Specials Tornado and the Marketplace repaints. This update is with our testers and we hope to release it during the coming week.
Watch out for the FREE Tornado Expansion, coming soon. This will give you the other 3 appropriate Tornado liveries, as well as the first releasable modification to the headboard on the front. We can now move it to the top bracket, or remove it altogether!
(Click on Images to See Fullsize)
You'll also notice that on your visit to our website, a form will appear encouraging you to sign up to our newsletter. Why should you consider signing up?? Those that subscribe to our newsletter will receive exclusive special offers, free products and news of new products before they go live on the website. Some products will be made available to subscribers at a slightly cheaper rate, to when they go on general sale. Subscribe NOW! The first newsletter will go out very soon, and will include an exclusive free product! Find out more soon.................................
30-09-14 - Peppercorn A1 Tornado Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
We are proud to present the Tornado Sound Pack. Tornado is a loco which we have been asked to do sounds for, more than any other loco. It is with great pleasure that we finally fill this gap.
Visit our Train Simulator Sound Packs page to pick up your copy and/or find out more information about the pack
23-09-14 - A Couple of Bits of News
Stanier 8F Collection Part 1 Update: Last night you may have received an update for the Stanier 8F Collection Part 1 - Steam Era. This is not a content update. What has been updated is the installer, as we gradually work on improving the installers, and bringing the older ones up to date. What we wanted was for all 3 '8F Collection' packs to have the same style and type of installer. So, if your Stanier 8F's are woking just fine, don't worry and installing this update. Simply download it, and keep it somewhere safe on your computer, on on another drive, disc, or however you like to store and back up larger files.
New Pack In Production: We are please to be able to tell you that, at long last, we here at Steam Sounds Supreme - with the help of Chris Barnes and Stephen Gurney - are developing a sound and enhancement pack for the world-famous Peppercorn A1 Tornado. This is long over-due. We are very grateful to those of you who responded to our call for sounds. Some of these will help us to complete this pack.
TS2015: So, the latets edition of Train Simulator is out - TS2015. We are only just about to update. If you feel that any of our packs are affected negatively by the update, please Contact Us, and we'll look into it.
New Stainmore Blog Post: You'll notice if you visit our Stainmore Blog regularly, that a new blog has been posted. If not, we recommend that you take a look and read about Phil's 'Dream of Electric Sheep'!!
05-09-14 - The Wycombe Railway and Joint Line OUT NOW!!
Created by Peter Goodearl, in association with Steam Sounds Supreme, the Wycombe Railway and Joint Line incorporates a section of the GW/GC Joint Line between High Wycombe and Brill. Princes Risborough is a hub of activity. The GW/GC joint line passes through the station and 3 branch lines meet there; The Watlington, Aylesbury and Oxford Branches. The route is set in the steam age.
Visit Downloads Shop > Free Products > Routes to get your copy of this exciting new route. This is version 1, with various extensions and improvements planned for the future.
Peter has created a basic website for sharing screenshots and information about the route. Click HERE
18-08-14 - Stanier 8F Collection Part 3 OUT NOW!!
We are pleased to present the 3rd and final part in our Stanier 8F Collection series.
8 locomotive repaints are presented here in this pack:
LMS 8233; BR 48773; LMS 8274/8476; Turkish 45160; BR 48305; BR 48624; LMS 8624 and BR 48151
Also included is some free bonus content. BR Black 5 44932. All loco's are advanced, meaning they come with CJB script and particles, simulated steam chest(can be toggles on/off by pressing Enter) and advanced braking. Both 48151 and the Black 5 come with extra advanced features: New loco lamps, mainline high intensity headlamp and headboards. All scripted and changeable on the fly.
Our new addition to the 'Enhancement Packs' series can picked up from the dedicated shop page HERE
16-08-14 - GWR 56xx Sound Pack OUT NOW!!
It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of a brand new sound pack for the delightful 56xx tank. An advanced locomotive developed by Pete Gilliam from Victory Works, and sold on the Steam platform. Featuring many new sounds, and typical SSS sound features - our second valve feature for example - this pack will add that final gloss to an already wonderful package.
To pick up your copy, find it at the top of the page on Train Simulator Sound Packs page.
If you would like to see the dedicated page for the pack and watch the preview video, Click Here
A News Update
It's been quiet lately. However, we have a whole host of exciting things to bring you over the coming months. We are pleased to say that, at long last, the Stanier 8F Collection Part 3 is finally complete. The pack is being prepared for release as I type. To bring you up to date on a few of our projects, we have prepared a new blog post - SSS Workshop Blog. Read of a new sound pack nearing completion and a new pack in the 'Enhancement Pack' series in progress. We're also asking you to guess a new route, which is soon to be released. 9 clues have been given so far. Can you guess??
Also, don't forget to check out the Stainmore Blog. Some new developments there as well!
15-07-14 - June Screeenshot Competition Winners
We are pleased to announce the following winners for the June screenshot competition:
3rd: Will Curry - 39 Points
2nd: Andy Stovold - 43 Points
1st: Ade Williams - 49 Points
Congratulations to you all!! Please e-mail us to claim your prizes. The voting was very close with quite a few of you reaching double figures. We'll give a honourable mention to Jason Arg Goldsmith who came to breaking into the top 3. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all who took part. The quality of work was very high indeed. You made the judges job very difficult.
The following have qualified for the 1 year 10% discounts: Andrew Thomas, Andy Mullins, Bailey Maxwell, Ben Prior, Callum Gilchrist, Callum Owen, David Haxell, Gareth Dobbs, George Sadler, Jack Phipps, Jake Bonner, James Brannan, James Morgan, Jarrod Dobson, Jason Arg Goldsmith, John Moss-Eccardt, Justin Weinberg, Kieron Rigby, Kirk Heath, Lee Morrison, Lewis Allin, Matthew Tinman, Michael Adams, Michael Wells, Sam Blacktop, Sam Huffelmann, Steve Roberts, Thomas Trim and Tom Watson.
Please e-mail us to claim your 10% discount codes. We are keeping the sale active to give you the chance to make a double-saving.
02-07-14 - BR Clan Scenario Pack+Bonus Content OUT NOW!!
We are pleased to announce the release of a new scenario pack. Drive new-build BR Clan Hengist on a variety of runs on the Great Central Railway. And, test your driving ability by hauling a long train over the West Somerset Railway. You will also find some bonus content inside. We have modified the BR Clan exhaust sounds more to our liking and we'd like to share them with you!
To pick up your copy of this new pack and to find out about requirements, visit our Scenario Packs page.
Purchase the excellent BR Clan Advanced from Here
26-06-14 - GWR 28xx WIP Update
We are pleased to say that our long promised 28xx locomotive add-on is well and truly under way! We thank Digital Traction for the work carried out so far. We'll post more on this project just as soon as we have more to show.
If you do not use Facebook, CLICK HERE to see the image of the 28xx render.
20-06-14 -West Somerset Wagon Pack OUT NOW!!
To follow the release of the West Somerset Railway Members Edition yesterday, we present the West Somerset Wagon Pack. A set of wagons lovingly recreated by Phil Baines, featuring many types found at the preserved line. This includes the Flatrol 4 wheeler flat wagon, Esso tank, WD open and box wagons, two types of brake van and much more! You'll also find a selection of wagons for the SDJRT site at Washford. A special addition to the pack is the beautifully restored SDJR 4-wheel carriage, in prussian blue livery.
Get your self a copy now at the fantastic price of £3.50 from our Rolling Stock page.
Watch a video of the wagon pack in action
19-06-14 - West Somerset Railway Members Edition OUT NOW!!
Members Version 2 - Update by Steam Sounds Supreme & David Seward - West Somerset Railway Trainee Guard & Travelling Ticket Inspector
To many people, the West Somerset Railway DLC release by RSC/DTG was lacking in certain important details. With the help of Kris Harding, we have taken the original route, cloned it and created this far more realistic version of the line. New features include such things as: New WSR level crossings, with new sound and flashing repeaters; Coal loading facilities at Minehead; Improved locomotive yard environment; New ambient and track sounds throughout the route; Deep cuttings added where appropriate; Bishops Lydeard loco compound added and much more extra detail throughout the entire route!
Brand New Locomotive
Developed by Kris Harding of Down Main Games, we bring you the West Somersets own Mogul, 9351. The prototype is a conversion of a Large Prairie 5193. A new tender was built and side tanks removed, revealing a handsome locomotive. These are slightly smaller than the Moguls which were designed by Churchward. However, it has come to light that Churchward had planned to build a batch of small boilered Moguls. So, 9351 is very nearly historically accurate! What the WSR have built however, is a wonderful and versatile loco – the tender giving a longer range between water top-ups. The model is no different. You’ll find a versatile loco, capable of handling pretty much anything you throw at it! The locomotive comes with scripted features, such as adjustable lamps and headboards. You can also immerse yourself in a realistic sound set.
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